Monday, August 8, 2011

Wisconsin Recall TODAY

The Wisconsin Recall begins TODAY, August 9th.

If you care about what decent humans tend to care about, you should care about this cause. Because worker's rights are human rights. And human rights are a good thing to fight for. Workers' rights have been trampled and spit upon in the great state of Wisconsin. Tea-Party-backed extremists have mounted countless dirty tricks at the expense of the working class and the Wisconsin taxpayer. Walker's authoritarian platform is an insult to the American civic system. He is blatant cronyism on steroids, and that's the nice part. I could go on and on and on, but if you're new to this information, please, just search AlterNet and your mind should be properly blown.

Contribute via ACTBLUE

Contribute via Bold Progressives

Want to know more about the historic Wisconsin uprising? There are books about it! Check them out! Reading is good. Education is good. Teachers are good, despite what extremist Governor Scott Walker thinks. (He is, after all, a college drop-out and has seen fit to attack education from every possible angle).


The world needs you to keep giving us hope and making us proud, Wisconsin.