Friday, December 9, 2011

Real Live Guides for a Real Live City - Please help preserve NYC jobs under attack

Why This Is Important
New York City is real and live in every moment, and NYC tour guides should be too.
When you visit New York City live licensed tour guides are here to serve you as:

-Story tellers and entertainers.
-A trusted, knowledgeable source for advice.
-A friend in town, looking out for your safety on Double Decker buses. (So that you don't get decapitated by a street light, sign or bridge).

But, now, Twin America, who has an illegal monopoly of NYC sightseeing tours (not to mention a very healthy profit margin) wants to "throw tour guides and their passengers under the bus", by eliminating live guides and replacing them with pre-recorded narrations. We are calling on New York City Council and Mayor Bloomberg to move swiftly, to require live guides on NYC bus tours. Show them you support real live tour guides for NYC, for quality, safety, and living wage jobs!

MORE INFO & NEWS REPORTS via the Facebook cause page for this issue.


Tour Guides at Gray Line NYC are members of TWU Local 225 (AFL-CIO), so not only is the move to replace guides with pre-recorded narration the sort of corporate greed we've become all too used to seeing, but it's also union busting. Please help.
Safe travels and thanks in advance for your support!