Wednesday, October 5, 2011

OCCUPY WALL STREET view from the ground

Today, I participated in the labor union rally and march in conjunction with the Occupy Wall Street protest, which today coalesced many social justice groups, unions, student groups, faith-based groups and activists into a massive march. Occupy Wall Street is diverse in every way; beautiful, democratic, and today it's numbers were truly MASSIVE. Take heed, 1%. Take heed, corporate greed. The 99% are marching. Here are photos from the march and from "Liberty Plaza" Zucotti Park.

Keep up the pressure. Workers rights are human rights. Get out the message that is getting lost in a media blackout: the wealth of this country is in the hands of 1% while 99% suffer job losses and continued unemployment, reduced wages, discrimination, charges for using debit cards, union busting, forclosure, and countless other grievances. All while the 1% continue to hoard profits, pay conservative think-tanks and talking-heads to spin lies and buy out politicians. It's a cycle that is inhuman and unsustainable. But there's hope; look at the beautiful expression of democracy in these pictures. I was particularly moved by the little girl in the very last of these pictures, with a shirt that says "Girls can change the world". Amen.