Thursday, December 20, 2012

Everybody sing! "Tax. The. Rich!"

Guagua Electrica has a new song. Those of you like-minded folk who think it's time to call the filthy rich as we see them: RICH. So rich they can well afford to pay TAXES. Here's a catchy tune to drive the point home. Free download here.

From the mouth of GUAGUA ELECTRICA directly:

"I'm releasing a new track, for free, just in time for Christmas. Please share "Tax the Rich" with everyone you think it may bless. David Bishke is working on a video that will be released later this week, and we would love it to go viral. It may seem like a song called "Tax the Rich" is not good holiday music. But, I think it fits very well with the true meanings of this sacred season. Please listen to the song, and let me know if you get what I mean.

You see: "Tax the Rich!" is a phrase which is treated as if it were profane in this culture. But, I think taxing the rich can be such an important part of building a better society, that the phrase: "Tax the Rich!" should be regarded as sacred. And saying: "Tax the Rich!" should be regarded as uttering a blessing. This holiday season, when we say: "Happy Holidays!" maybe we should also say: "Tax the Rich!" Because saying: "Tax the rich!" is like saying: "I love you!" to a whole society. Saying: "Tax the rich!" is celebrating Ujamaa, cooperative economics, which is the fourth principle of Kwanzaa, and recognizing the logic of Ubuntu: "I am because we are." Saying: "Tax the rich!" is taking a moment of Chanukah (which literally means:"Dedication"), and committing ourselves to not let the light of peace with justice go out all year long. And saying: "Tax the rich!" ain't nearly as radical as what Mary sang when the angel appeared to her with God's vision for redemption of the world through her womb( Luke 1.46-55), but it is a good start...

This holiday season, the mainstream media and the major party politicians tell us that because "the 99% have been naughty" we should lower our expectations for the new year. But, we can dispel their lies with the powerful incantation of the simple truth: "We don't need to accept austerity, recessions, and oppression- WE CAN TAX THE RICH!" So, happy (belated) Chanukah! Happy solstice! I wish you an enlightening and joyful Kwanzaa! Una feliz Navidad, and a new year filled with abundant life! And if you agree about the gospel of progressive taxation, turn to someone you love, give them a fist bump or a hug, and teach them this chant*:

Call: "Tax the Rich!

Response: "All the time!"

Call: "All the time!"

Response: "Tax the Rich!

Thanks for listening, Marcos

*The chant, of course, comes from the spiritual genius of the African American Church. The traditional version which many folk may know is: Call:"God is good! Response:"All the time!" Call:"All the time!" Response:"God is good!" Amen"

Post content is Copyright 2012 Guagua Electrica Click here to download Tax the Rich