Thursday, December 20, 2012

Everybody sing! "Tax. The. Rich!"

Guagua Electrica has a new song. Those of you like-minded folk who think it's time to call the filthy rich as we see them: RICH. So rich they can well afford to pay TAXES. Here's a catchy tune to drive the point home. Free download here.

From the mouth of GUAGUA ELECTRICA directly:

"I'm releasing a new track, for free, just in time for Christmas. Please share "Tax the Rich" with everyone you think it may bless. David Bishke is working on a video that will be released later this week, and we would love it to go viral. It may seem like a song called "Tax the Rich" is not good holiday music. But, I think it fits very well with the true meanings of this sacred season. Please listen to the song, and let me know if you get what I mean.

You see: "Tax the Rich!" is a phrase which is treated as if it were profane in this culture. But, I think taxing the rich can be such an important part of building a better society, that the phrase: "Tax the Rich!" should be regarded as sacred. And saying: "Tax the Rich!" should be regarded as uttering a blessing. This holiday season, when we say: "Happy Holidays!" maybe we should also say: "Tax the Rich!" Because saying: "Tax the rich!" is like saying: "I love you!" to a whole society. Saying: "Tax the rich!" is celebrating Ujamaa, cooperative economics, which is the fourth principle of Kwanzaa, and recognizing the logic of Ubuntu: "I am because we are." Saying: "Tax the rich!" is taking a moment of Chanukah (which literally means:"Dedication"), and committing ourselves to not let the light of peace with justice go out all year long. And saying: "Tax the rich!" ain't nearly as radical as what Mary sang when the angel appeared to her with God's vision for redemption of the world through her womb( Luke 1.46-55), but it is a good start...

This holiday season, the mainstream media and the major party politicians tell us that because "the 99% have been naughty" we should lower our expectations for the new year. But, we can dispel their lies with the powerful incantation of the simple truth: "We don't need to accept austerity, recessions, and oppression- WE CAN TAX THE RICH!" So, happy (belated) Chanukah! Happy solstice! I wish you an enlightening and joyful Kwanzaa! Una feliz Navidad, and a new year filled with abundant life! And if you agree about the gospel of progressive taxation, turn to someone you love, give them a fist bump or a hug, and teach them this chant*:

Call: "Tax the Rich!

Response: "All the time!"

Call: "All the time!"

Response: "Tax the Rich!

Thanks for listening, Marcos

*The chant, of course, comes from the spiritual genius of the African American Church. The traditional version which many folk may know is: Call:"God is good! Response:"All the time!" Call:"All the time!" Response:"God is good!" Amen"

Post content is Copyright 2012 Guagua Electrica Click here to download Tax the Rich

Friday, December 9, 2011

Real Live Guides for a Real Live City - Please help preserve NYC jobs under attack

Why This Is Important
New York City is real and live in every moment, and NYC tour guides should be too.
When you visit New York City live licensed tour guides are here to serve you as:

-Story tellers and entertainers.
-A trusted, knowledgeable source for advice.
-A friend in town, looking out for your safety on Double Decker buses. (So that you don't get decapitated by a street light, sign or bridge).

But, now, Twin America, who has an illegal monopoly of NYC sightseeing tours (not to mention a very healthy profit margin) wants to "throw tour guides and their passengers under the bus", by eliminating live guides and replacing them with pre-recorded narrations. We are calling on New York City Council and Mayor Bloomberg to move swiftly, to require live guides on NYC bus tours. Show them you support real live tour guides for NYC, for quality, safety, and living wage jobs!

MORE INFO & NEWS REPORTS via the Facebook cause page for this issue.


Tour Guides at Gray Line NYC are members of TWU Local 225 (AFL-CIO), so not only is the move to replace guides with pre-recorded narration the sort of corporate greed we've become all too used to seeing, but it's also union busting. Please help.
Safe travels and thanks in advance for your support!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

OCCUPY WALL STREET view from the ground

Today, I participated in the labor union rally and march in conjunction with the Occupy Wall Street protest, which today coalesced many social justice groups, unions, student groups, faith-based groups and activists into a massive march. Occupy Wall Street is diverse in every way; beautiful, democratic, and today it's numbers were truly MASSIVE. Take heed, 1%. Take heed, corporate greed. The 99% are marching. Here are photos from the march and from "Liberty Plaza" Zucotti Park.

Keep up the pressure. Workers rights are human rights. Get out the message that is getting lost in a media blackout: the wealth of this country is in the hands of 1% while 99% suffer job losses and continued unemployment, reduced wages, discrimination, charges for using debit cards, union busting, forclosure, and countless other grievances. All while the 1% continue to hoard profits, pay conservative think-tanks and talking-heads to spin lies and buy out politicians. It's a cycle that is inhuman and unsustainable. But there's hope; look at the beautiful expression of democracy in these pictures. I was particularly moved by the little girl in the very last of these pictures, with a shirt that says "Girls can change the world". Amen. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Wisconsin Recall TODAY

The Wisconsin Recall begins TODAY, August 9th.

If you care about what decent humans tend to care about, you should care about this cause. Because worker's rights are human rights. And human rights are a good thing to fight for. Workers' rights have been trampled and spit upon in the great state of Wisconsin. Tea-Party-backed extremists have mounted countless dirty tricks at the expense of the working class and the Wisconsin taxpayer. Walker's authoritarian platform is an insult to the American civic system. He is blatant cronyism on steroids, and that's the nice part. I could go on and on and on, but if you're new to this information, please, just search AlterNet and your mind should be properly blown.

Contribute via ACTBLUE

Contribute via Bold Progressives

Want to know more about the historic Wisconsin uprising? There are books about it! Check them out! Reading is good. Education is good. Teachers are good, despite what extremist Governor Scott Walker thinks. (He is, after all, a college drop-out and has seen fit to attack education from every possible angle).


The world needs you to keep giving us hope and making us proud, Wisconsin.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Breaking News: Message from Little Mike, President Cherubim Local 333 advocating Koch Industry Boycott

Message from Little Mike, President of Cherubim Local 333, affiliate SEIU (Seraphim Employees International Union)

Dear citizens of Wisconsin,

Our union has heard your prayers. I am shocked and horrified by the attack on basic workers' rights being perpetrated by Scott Walker and his overlord, Koch Industries. I am further incensed to learn that my image has been pirated for use upon Koch Industry brand "Angel Soft" toilet paper. Aside from the insult of being a poster child for poop, I never approved of my image being used on any commercial product unless it promotes love, fairness and world peace. Koch Industries is the opposite of these values, a chief polluter of our planet, buying the souls of GOP statesmen to further their own aims. (Such as gaining control of state property that has been in the hands of hard-working Wisconsonites for generations, instead giving control to out-of-state holdings that have no loyalty to the great state of Wisconsin.)

I ask that you please join in the Koch Industry Boycott of all products, including all Dixie Brand paper products and especially Angel Soft, attack upon my dignity that it is. Because giving Koch your money essentially, from what I'm seeing from up here, is tithing to Satan.

Our Union has a proud tradition. First we were an Order of Cherubim, then a Guild, but in this modern age we voted that an international Union suits Earth best, and we stand in solidarity with all who organize in good faith for workers' rights. Cherubim Local 333 supports you, Wisconsin, and all people struggling against the corporate fists of greed and vice that seek to pummel average Americans and reward only the most privileged. Might I remind you all of the 2,000+ Biblical references that demand justice for the poor and downtrodden? Oh yeah, and we've got arrows.

The bible also says that we must pray for our enemies. And so we shall. Doesn't mean you give enemies your money.

There are many faith groups that have joined with workers in this struggle, which pleases our Local very much. Because workers rights are human rights, and where humans are imperiled by the revocation of these rights, so shall angels be.

Stay strong, keep the faith and for God's sake someone take my image off that bathroom tissue, it’s a crime.

Little Mike
President Cherubim Local 333
To The Left of Your Conscience

Suite 12
Heaven, 33333