Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Indiana deputy attorney general advocates use of live ammo on Wisconsin protesters...

Via Mother Jones. Indiana deputy attorney general Jeff Cox advocates using live ammunition on Wisconsin protesters fighting to maintain collective bargaining rights.

Jeff Cox: "Use live ammunition"

Union organizers have a history of being shot at. (And killed.) Pinkertons, anyone? If you don't know about that infamous still-existent private security force, you should know about the deaths associated with their presence. Here's your history lesson. Thank you, Wikipedia. And thank you, union teachers, who once taught me about the Pinkertons so I might make that chilling connection while examining this article.

If "mainstream news" fails to pick up and pin this "gentleman" Mr. Cox to the wall, please, do your part to make this ugly story come to further light. And while you're at it, give someone a history lesson on the Pinkertons.

Battlestar Galactica has its truths: "All this has happened before and will happen again."

UPDATE 2/23 - The great state of Indiana has sensibly fired Mr. Cox. Mother Jones has updated the above post. Hope someone checks to see if that guy has a gun while standing in the unemployment line.